DAY 64 

On the road to LeRoy, KS. I think this breed of horse is called “Snazzyloosa!” Ha ha!

Approaching the tiny town of Vernon, on the road from Yates Center to LeRoy.

Church in Vernon, KS.

Abandon school in Vernon, KS.

For just a few minutes it looked like the clouds would break up and the sun would shine, but it only lasted for ten or fifteen minutes and sun never came out, oh well, better luck next time.

Camped alongside a rural blacktop just south of LeRoy, KS. All done with chores and in bed at 8:30pm. Some of my fingertips are cracked from the cold and wind, and it makes doing little things difficult, like closing a freezer bag. Tired, very tired, and a little worried, feeling a chill that ain’t quite right… hoping I haven’t pushed too hard, I pray God keep me well. I do not set my alarm for morning, but get up in middle of night to feed and water Reba, then back to sleep, and I would sleep 10 hours, and I needed it! Thank you, Lord!

Text Post: DAY 64: Found a spot to camp away from the road on the edge of a wood in a waste area (non-farm, trees and scrubs) but Reba didn’t want to camp there and had something of a fit like a fussy baby elephant which isn’t so small. I didn’t get angry, I’ve been working hard on not getting frustrated when the going is tough. Instead I just said, alright we have a little more time, we’ll keep going, and we got back on the road (this was not insignificant as time would show).

Text Post: DAY 64: I WOULD LIKE TO GIVE A SHOUT OUT TO THE LADY who gave me water. I was so tired I forgot her name, but her kindness is not forgotten. Thank you Ma’am!

Text Post: DAY 64: I WOULD LIKE TO GIVE A SHOUT OUT TO THE MAN who stopped and gave me a sack of cracked corn for Reba. I was so tired I forgot his name. He said he had seen the FAITH MARCH sign on the back of my wagon, and he looked at the website on his phone, and he wanted to help. Thank you Sir!

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